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Maal Blockchain In Voluntary
Carbon Market
Create An Auditable System
Creating Fully Discoverable & Auditable ESG Assets
Maal Blockchain allows companies to tokenize securities and real-world assets, providing companies and investors with distinct advantages to traditional paper contracts. Tokenization of carbon credits allows for built-in compliance and automation, allowing energy companies to trade while saving time on paperwork and manual compliance procedures

Voluntary Ecological Market Use Cases

Carbon Credits & Offsets
A carbon offset certifies that a particular action, project, or thing has removed the equivalent of one metric tonne of CO2. One credit = one tonne. While the maths is simple, applying it to the real world is difficult.
Measurement –. Before a certain set of actions even occurs, how can you measure how much CO2 will be removed? This can be especially complicated when you add in living organisms, such as trees, as is the case for the majority of nature-based offsets.
Verification – even if you can measure things accurately, how do you verify that the set of actions did actually result in a measurable offset?
Maal blockchain can help with both of those issues by linking offsets to carbon tokens. The tokens help to incentivise verification, while tokenizing offset projects can ensure accurate measurement.

Tracking Emissions & Reporting
The voluntary carbon market generally requires organizations to set goals and report carbon emissions. In standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions goals are summarized, forecasted, and reported. By tokenizing emissions based on the standards, more accurate reporting can be achieved. Maal Blockchain gives real assurance that the data inputted from other smart technologies is unaltered and stems from a single source of truth, giving stakeholders proof that data shared with them is trustworthy. Participants in the voluntary market will be able to track progress by netting owned credits against reported emissions.
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